ARTICLES'Who Was Moses' [PDF 6MB]New Dawn Magazine, speciaal edition No.8 (winter 2009) pp 52. 'The Sphinx Mystery - the Forgotten Origins of the Sactuary of Anubis' PDF [2MB] from the Spring 2009 edition of The Watkins Review 'What Was The Sphinx?' PDF [3.1MB] published as the cover story in the January -February 2009 edition of New Dawn Magazine. Gospels For Our Times [PDF] As published in Phenomena, May/June 2004 in Robert's Word in Your Ear column A Short Visit To Heaven [PDF] As published in Phenomena, January/February 2004 in Robert's Word in Your Ear column Minds Pounded To Pulp [PDF] As published in Phenomena, November/December 2003 in Robert's Word in Your Ear column The Wisdom of the Ancients As published in The Sunday Times, 17th February 2002 Crystal Sun Research into Forbidden Technology As published in Freemasonry Today, Summer 2001 Extracts from The Dictionary of National Biography Missing Persons Biographies written by Robert A Book That Changed Me HTML | PDF Robert on St-John Perse's Seamarks. As published in The Independent On Sunday's The Sunday Review, 25 January 1998 Superstition And Science [PDF, 1.2MB] Ancient ways of predicting the future. As published in Odyssey, Volume 1 Issue 3, 1995 On Failure To Generate [PDF, 1.1MB] Aristotle's treatise on fertility. As published in Orgyn, No.3, 1994 The Ancient History Of Contraception [PDF, 0.6MB] Book review of John M. Riddle's Contraception and Abortion from the Ancient World to the Renaissance. As published in Orgyn, No.1, 1994 The Marvels Of Nature [PDF, 1.9MB] Aristotle as anatomist and dissector. As published in Helix, Volume II Issue 2, 1993 The Tao Of Immortality [PDF, 1.5MB] The body as laboratory. As published in Helix, Volume II Issue 1, 1993 The Autumn Mineral [PDF, 1.1MB] The Chinese Origins of Endocrinology. As published in Orgyn, No.1, 1993 Prehistoric Tyrolean Man - letter [PDF, 0.2MB] As published in Science, Vol.260, 9 April 1993 Book Review: The Roots of Nature [PDF, 1MB] As published in Nature, Vol.359 No.6395, 1992 Book Review: The Healing Hand [PDF, 1.3MB] A book review of Guido Majno's The Healing Hand: Man and Wound in the Ancient World. As published in Orgyn, No.4, 1992 The Healing Hand [PDF, 0.9MB] A book review of Guido Majno's The Healing Hand: Man and Wound in the Ancient World. As published in Helix, Volume I Issue 3, 1992 Investigating Ancient Enigmas [PDF, 0.8MB] A book review of Mott T. Greene's Natural Knowledge in Preclassical Antiquity. As published in Nature, Volume 357 No.6375 21 May 1992 Peter Mitchell - Obituary [PDF, 0.4MB] As published in The Independent, London, 16 April 1992 Kindred Spirits: Hypnotised [PDF, 0.6MB] A feature on varoius celebrity's experiences with hypnotism, including my own. As published in Telegraph Magazine, February 1992 Consulting the Oracles - The Classic Systems of Greece and Rome [PDF, 2.2MB] As published in The World Atlas of Divination, 1992 Struggling For Air [PDF, 0.4MB] A book review of Debiprased Chattopadhyaya's History of Science and Technology in Ancient India, Vol. II: Formation of the Theoretical Fundamentals of Natural Science. As published in Nature, Volume 353 No.6339 5 September 1991 All in His Head [PDF, 1.1MB] Book reviews of Essays on Science: Felicitation Volume in Honour of Dr. Joseph Needham and A Selection from the Writings of Joseph Needham. As published in Nature, Volume 348 No.6302 13 December 1990 In the Dock [PDF, 0.5MB] A book review of Maurice A. Finocchiaro's The Galileo Affair: A Documentary Hostory. As published in Nature, Volume 341 No.6241 5 October 1989 Harmony and discord [PDF, 1.0MB] A book review of the International Journal on the Unity of the Sciences. As published in Nature, Volume 341 No.6240 28 September 1989 Book Review: Founding Father [PDF, 1MB] A book review of Theophrastian Studies. As published in Nature, Vol.335 No.6190, 1988 The Courier - The Chinese Scientific Genius [PDF, 9MB] An issue of The Courier entitled The Chinese Scientific Genius - Discoveries and inventions of an ancient civilization, October 1988. All the articles in this issue were extracted from Robert's book - The Genius of China 'Indian Wisdom' [PDF 1.5MB] Nature, Vol. 331, No. 6152, 14 January 1988, p. 127. 'Deep into the Past' [PDF 1MB] [review of Made in China, Paul U Unschuld], Nature, Vol. 327, No. 6119, 21 May 1987, p.198. Return to Real Meat [PDF, 1.7MB] As published in Taste, November 1987 Book Review: Herbs, Spices and Medicinal Plants , Vol. 2 [PDF, 0.4MB] As published in The Herbal Review, Autumn/Winter 1987 The Science of Food [PDF, 0.5MB] A book review of Harold McGee's On Food and Cooking: The Science and Lore of the Kitchen. As published in Taste Magazine, June 1987 The Scholar Shaman HTML | PDF [0.1MB] Article on Mircea Eliade As published in The Spectator 25 April 1987 A Director's Mission [PDF, 2.7MB] A look at Roland Joffé's acclaimed film Mission. As published in Sunday Express Magazine, 12 October 1986 Sucess Follows a £2m Shock for First-time Hoteliers [PDF, 0.8MB] As published in The Times, 15 September 1986 Shakespeare's Globe Theatre Will Rise To Glow Again - Thanks To 'Uncle Sam' Wanamaker [PDF, 0.6MB] Written by David Grogan, reported by Robert. As published in People Weekly, August 18 1986 A Pleasantly Puzzling Success[PDF, 0.8MB] As published in The Times, 15 August 1986 Book Review: Herbs, Spices and Medicinal Plants , Vol. 1 [PDF, 0.6MB] As published in The Herbal Review, Autumn 1986 Rich Pickings for Porkers [PDF, 0.6MB] As published in The Times, 4 July 1986 To the Top - Paula Gosling [PDF, 1.4MB] Writer Paula Gosling hits a bull's-eye, thanks to Sly Stallone's latest blockbuster, Cobra. As published in People Weekly, June 30, 1986 Finger On The Space Pulse [PDF, 0.9MB] As published in the Telegraph Sunday Magazine, Number 485 February 9 1986 Developer Lands on His Feet [PDF, 0.2MB] As published in The Times, October 11 1985 Profit from Fashion [PDF, 1MB] As published in Personal Investor, June/July 1985 A Fast Ride to the Top [PDF, 3.2MB] As published in the Telegraph Sunday Magazine, Number 457 July 28 1985 Why Smiling Could Be Good For You [PDF, 0.4MB] As published in Futures - Micro Guardian, June 6 1985 Grandmother's Footsteps [PDF, 2.1MB] Article about Fiona, Countess of Arran and her power-boat racing. As published in Harpers & Queen, May 1985 Publishing Venture Opens New Chapter [PDF, 0.3MB] As published in The Times, May 24 1985 Antarctica [PDF, 1MB] As published in Good Weekend, - The Sydney Morning Herald Magazine, April 27 1985 US Satellite System Requires $18m for Lift-off [PDF, 0.1 MB] As published in The Times, April 15 1985 The 'Space Cadets' Who Mean Business [PDF, 0.1 MB] Theatre of Science [PDF, 3.3MB] A look at science from the Royal Institution. As published in Sunday Express Magazine, 9 December 1984 Success With a Burst Bubble [PDF, 0.5MB] As published in The Times,29 June 1984 Sir Peter Medawar [PDF, 2.8MB] A profile of Sir Peter Medawar. As published in New Scientist, No 1405 12 April 1984 David Bohm [PDF, 1.7MB] A profile of David Bohm. As published in New Scientist, 11 November 1982 'The Big Wheel Spins' & 'Simon Says'[PDF, 7.9MB] Two articles from Discover. As published in Discover, October 1982 The Men Who Can Photograph Anything [PDF, 1MB] A profile of Oxford Scientific Films, innovators of nature photography. As published in Sunday Express Magazine, 10 October 1982 Where King Alfred Burnt the Cakes [PDF, 3.2MB] Exploring a backwater in Somerset where not much has changed since Alfred the Great hid there. As published in Sunday Express Magazine, 7 March 1982 'A Culture of the Few' [PDF, 0.3MB] A book review from Art Book Review No.6, 1982 'American Indians Galore' [PDF, 1.3MB] A book review from Art Book Review No.4, 1982 'Panorama of an Ancient Culture' 'Weak Opening Line' [PDF, 1.3MB] Two book reviews from Art Book Review No.2, 1982 Skeptical Eye - Magician or Scientist? [PDF, 1.2MB] Profile of Rupert Sheldrake. As published in Discover, December 1981 The Last Flower [PDF, 0.5MB] The last wild lady's slipper. As published in Discover, November 1981 Science People [PDF, 1.1MB] Stories involving microscopes, bears and Saturn! As published in Discover, October 1981 Britain's Unknown Nobel Prizewinner [PDF, 1.3MB] A profile of Dr Peter Mitchell, winner of the 1978 Nobel Prize for Chemistry. As published in Sunday Express Magazine, 25 October 1981 The Man Who Believes in Forever [PDF, 1.5MB] This article by Dennis Overbye was a re-write of my article on Fred Hoyle. As published in Discover, May 1981 In Defense of The Sirius Mystery [PDF, 0.6MB] As published in Fate, October 1980 Olmec Magnetism and the Brain [PDF, 1MB] As published in Second Look, November 1979 Coincidence or Contact: Magnetism in the New World [PDF, 2MB] As published in Second Look, September 1979. The original images used in this article can be viewed here. The Radical Physics of "Twistor" Theory [PDF, 1.6MB] By Roger Penrose - introduced and compiled by Robert Temple. As published in Second Look, Einstein Issue July 1979 Multiple Universes [PDF, 1.8MB] By Dr. David Deutsch - interviewed by Robert Temple. As published in Second Look, Einstein Issue July 1979 Dark Ages of the Future [PDF, 0.9MB] As published in Second Look, June 1979 Taking Us To Their Leader [PDF, 1.7MB] As published in Second Look, Special Issue May 1979 House Of Lords Debate UFOs [PDF, 3.7MB] Includes The Unsettling Truth Buried In Dogon Mythology by George Sassoon, with postscript by Robert. As published in Second Look, April 1979 The Eye Inside the Mind [PDF, 0.9MB] As published in Second Look, March 1979 On the Nature of Consciousness [PDF, 0.7MB] As published in Second Look, February 1979 Our Sun as Cosmic Programmer [PDF, 0.5MB] As published in Second Look, January 1979 UFOs as Government Spycraft [PDF, 1MB] As published in Second Look, November 1978 Doing the radio stations What it was like doing a publicity tour for The Sirius Mystery in 1976; never before published by Robert Temple Robert K G Temple on Steiner [PDF, 1.3MB] A book review of Poem Into Poem: World Poetry in Modern Verse Translation, introduced and edited by George Steiner. As published in Poetry Review, Volume 62 Number 2, Summer 1971 Sick Horse [PDF, 0.7MB] Translation of a Chinese poem by Tu Fu. As published in Workshop Poetry Magazine, No 12 1971 The New Comedy [PDF, 1.7MB] Never before published The Blue Jackal [PDF, 0.6MB] A fable from India, as published in Jack and Jill - The Better Magazine for Boys and Girls, November 1965 The Mekas Question: My Being or My Life? Word format | PDF format A review of the Jonas Mekas film, Guns of the Trees. As published in a Philadelphia newspaper, May 11, 1962 Dos, Scott, Ernest and friends of the twenties Word format | PDF format This article by Robert Temple was published February 1, 1962, one week after his 17th birthday, in a literary periodical of the University of Pennsylvania in Philadelphia, where he was in his first year as an undergraduate student. |
PAPERSThe Prehistory of Panspermia: Astrophysical or Metaphysical?Paper [PDF, 2.9MB] | Penis of Min image Offprint from the International Journal of Astrobiology, March 2007 A 1654 Protectorate Parliamentary Election Return HTML | PDF [2.3MB] As published in the historical journal Cromwelliana - The Journal of The Cromwell Association, 2006 'Fred Hoyle's Universe' A conference held in June 2002 The Modern World : A joint creation of China and the West. Word format | [PDF] A talk I delivered in Beijing, China, in 2002, at an international conference hosted by the Chinese Academy of Engineering and the Chinese Academy of Science. Published in Proceedings. The Old Lenses of Gotland [PDF] Extract from Sartryck from Gotlandskt Archive 2000 about the old lenses of Gotland. Swedish with summary in English. 2000 Fables, Riddles, and Mysteries of Delphi Word format | [PDF ] A talk which I delivered in 1998 in Greece. Published in Proceedings. Fables, Riddles, and Mysteries of Delphi [PDF] Greek translated into English. As published in Proceedings of 4th Philosophical Meeting on Contemporary Problems, No 4, 1999 THE SIRIUS MYSTERY: Answering the Critics HTML | [PDF 4MB] Includes Robert's 'Open letter to Carl Sagan' from the Zetetic Scholar. Printed for private circulation by Century Publishing Ltd, 1997 The Original Officer List of the New Model Army [PDF, 4.8MB] Offprint from the Bulletin of the Institute of Historical Research Volume LIX, No. 139, May 1986 The Massey Brigade in the West [PDF, 1.4MB] Reprinted from Somerset and Dorset Notes and Queries Volume XXXI, Part 322 pp. 437-45, Sep 1985 The Dream of Scipio [PDF, 4.3MB] Introduction (10 pp.) to book The Dream of Scipio (Somnium Scipionis), Aquarian Press, Wellingborough, Northamptonshire, England, 1983 An Anatomical Verification Of The Reading Of A Term In Extispicy [PDF, 1.5MB] As published in Journal of Cuneiform Studies, Vol. 34 Nos. 1-2, Philadelphia, 1982 On the Sirius Mystery: an open letter To Carl Sagan from Robert K.G. Temple [PDF, 0.9MB] Answering a critic of The Sirius Mystery. As published in Zetetic Scholar #8, July 1981 Offprint from Archaeologia Cantiana [PDF, 2.1MB] Discovery of a Manuscript Eye-Witness Account of the Battle of Maidstone, Volume XCVII, 1981 Ludlow finds his 'Voice' [PDF, 1.1MB] From Cromwelliana (the annual periodical of the Cromwell Association) 1980-1 |